Senin, 05 Mei 2014

Direct-Indirect Speec

a. Kalimat Langsung
Kalimat langsung adalah kalimat yang dikatakan langsung oleh pembicara.

b. Kalimat Tidak Langsung
Kalimat langsung adalah salah satu cara untuk menunjukkan apa seseorang atau pembicara lain telah mengatakan secara langsung untuk pernyataan seperti itu, pertanyaan, atau komentar lain untuk mengubah format diskusi sehingga orang-orang semacam pernyataan menjadi jelas, alami, dan efisien untuk para pendengar

Fungsi dari kalimat tidak langsung adalah untuk memberitahu atau melaporkan kembali ucapan seseorang tanpa mengubah arti atau isi dari pembicara berubah dari bentuk langsung hasil bentuk tidak langsung yang berubah pada adverb, artikel, moda angkutan sebagai memungkinkan:
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
Last month / year
The month / year before, the preceding month / year, the previous month / year
Next month / year
A month / year later, the following month / year, the next month / year
At that time, then
That day
A day later, the following / next day
The day before, the previous day
Two days / weeks ago
Two days / weeks before, two days / weeks earlier
Modification of Verb
Modifikasi kata kerja dari langsung kalimat tidak langsung dapat mengubah kata kerja menjadi 'to infinitive'. Perubahan ini diterapkan untuk imperatif pelaporan (perintah). Selanjutnya, umumnya kata kerja tegang (sekarang atau masa depan, termasuk modal) berubah menjadi bentuk masa lalu. Ini adalah rincian sebagai berikut:
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
Simple Present
Simple Past
Present Continuous
Past Continuous
Must, have to
Had to
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
May (permission)
Could, might
Future (am / is / are going to)
Was / were going to
Should (ask for advice), would (simple future)
Simple Past
Past Perfect
May (possibility)
Past Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous
3. Examples of Direct Speech to Indirect Speech

a. Positive Form

Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
Simple Present
He said, “I always watch the UEFA Champions League.”
He said that he always watched the UEFA Champions League.
Present Continuous
He said me, “I am watching the UEFA Champions League now.”
He said me that he was watching the UEFA Champions League then.
Present Perfect
He said me, “I have already watched the UEFA Champions League.”
He said me that he had already watched the UEFA Champions League.
Simple Past
He said me, “I watched the UEFA Champions League last night.”
He said me that he had watched the UEFA Champions League the night before.
Past Continuous
He said me, “I was watching the UEFA Champions League at 02.45 o’clock this morning.”
He said me that he had been watching the UEFA Champions League at 02.45 o’clock that morning.
Past Perfect
He said me, “I had watched the UEFA Champions League at 02.45 o’clock yesterday morning.”
Past Future
He said me, “I would watch the UEFA Champions League .”
He said me that he would have watched the UEFA Champions League.
b. Negative Form

Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
Simple Present
He said me, “I don’t always watch the UEFA Champions League.”
He said me that he didn’t always watch the UEFA Champions League.
Present Continuous
He said me, “I am not watching the UEFA Champions League now.”
He said me that he wasn’t watching the UEFA Champions League then.
Present Perfect
He said me, “I haven’t already watched the UEFA Champions League .”
He said me that he hadn’t already watched the UEFA Champions League.
Simple Past
He said me, “I didn’t watch the UEFA Champions League last night.”
He said me that he hadn’t watched the UEFA Champions League the night before.
Past Continuous
He said me, “I wasn’t watching the UEFA Champions League at 02.45 o’clock this morning.”
He said me that he hadn’t been watching the UEFA Champions League at 02.45 o’clock that morning.
Past Perfect
He said me, “I hadn’t watched the UEFA Champions League at 02.45 o’clock yesterday.”
Past Future
He said me, “I wouldn’t watch the UEFA Champions League.”
He said me that he wouldn’t have watched the UEFA Champions League.
c. Yes-no Question Form

Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
Simple Present
He asked me, “Do you always watch the UEFA Champions League?”
He asked me if I always watched the UEFA Champions League.
Present Continuous
He asked me, “Are you watching the UEFA Champions League now?”
He asked me if I was watching the UEFA Champions League now.
Present Perfect
He asked me, “Have you already watched the UEFA Champions League?”
He asked me whether I have already watched the UEFA Champions League.
Simple Past
He asked me, “Did you watch the UEFA Champions League last night?”
He asked me whether I had watched the UEFA Champions League the night before.
Past Continuous
He asked me, “were you watching the UEFA Champions League at 02.45 o’clock this morning?”
He asked me whether I had been watching the UEFA Champions League at 02.45 o’clock that morning.
Past Perfect
He asked me, “Had you watched the UEFA Champions League at 02.45 o’clock yesterday morning?”
Past Future
He asked me, “would you watch the UEFA Champions League?”
He asked me if I would have watched the UEFA Champions League.
d. Wh- Question Form

Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
Simple Present
He asked me, “Why do you always watch the UEFA Champions League?”
He asked me why I always watched the UEFA Champions League.
Present Continuous
He asked me, “What are you looking at?”
He asked me what I was looking at.
Present Perfect
He asked me, “What have you already done?”
He asked me what I had already done.
Simple Past
He asked me, “Why did you miss the UEFA Champions League last night?”
He asked me why I had missed the UEFA Champions League last night.
Past Continuous
He asked me, “What kind of match were you watching at 02.45 o’clock last night?”
He asked me what kind of match I had been watching at 02.45 o’clock the night before.
Past Perfect
He asked me, “What had you watched at 02.45 this morning?”
Past Future
He asked me, “What would you do after watching the UEFA Champions League?”
He asked me what I would have done after watching the UEFA Champions League.
e. Imperative Form
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
He ordered me, “Watch the UEFA Champions League!”
He said me to watch the UEFA Champions League.

He said me, “Don’t be missed the UEFA Champions League!”
He said me not to be missed the UEFA Champions League.
He said me, “Watch Out!”
He said me to watch out.

He said me, “don’t touch me!”
He said me not to touch him.
He said me, “Don’t be lazy to study.”
He said me not to be lazy to study
He told me, “go straight ahead then turn right.”
He told me to go straight ahead then turn right.
He said me, “don’t leave me alone.”
He said me not to leave him alone.

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