Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013


Comparing Working Conditions Between Indonesia and Germany

Two business people Bonar from Indonesia and Charles from Germanymeet by chance in Hotel Danau Toba Medan - Indonesia.They get into conversation and begin to compare working conditions in their countries.
Bonar              : “Hi, good morning.”
Charles            : “Good morning.”
Bonar              : “ My name is Bonar, I’m Indonesian.Nice to meet you.”
Charles            : “My name is Charles. Nice to meet you too.”
Bonar         : “I have paid attention to you for last minutes. Where do you come from? Do you have breakfast alone ?”
Charles            : “Sure?? I am from Germany. Yeah, I’m alone. Take a seat please.”
BonaR             : “Thank you. Do you come here for working or holiday?”
Charles           : “I’m here for holiday. I want to leave my activities as a businessman in Germany for a while.”
Bonar             : “How long you stay here, Charles ?”
Charles           : “I have been here for 2 week. Do you live among here?”
Bonar            : “Oh.. I live In Jakarta. I’m stay in this hotel to attend a conference for 2 days. Do you know Jakarta?
Charles            : “Oh, great. Of course, last year I spent my holiday in Jakarta. May I know what conference you attended?”
Bonar              : “The conference discuss about working conditionsin Indonesia, such as job security, wages or salaries, promotions, deletion working, job benefits, etc. I’m also a businessman. I have a company. I’m interested to expand my business abroad. Would you tell me about labor insentive in your country?”
Charles         : “Certainly,I will tell you about job security in Germany. Many employees have indefinite contract which, whilst not guaranteeing a job for life, make it very difficult for employer to terminate a contract. How about Indonesia?”
Bonar             : “Typically, government jobs, and jobs in education, healthcare, and law enforcement are very secure while private sector jobs are generally offer lower job security and it usually varies by industry, work location, occupation and other factors.
Charles            : “I agree. How about wages or salaries?”
Bonar              : “In Indonesia there is a different wages or salaries between manufacturing company, banking sector, government institution, garment, textile industriy, etc. However there is a minimum wage,  we called it ‘UMK” and ‘UMP’.”
Charles            : “What is that? Would you explain for me?”
Bonar            : “Certainly. UMK is minimum wage in a district and UMP is minimum wage in province. UMK is lower than UMP. The establishment of UMK or UMP is based on regional which are concern about living cost, economic growth, company, etc.” In Jakarta UMP is about 2.2 million rupiahs. How about your country?”
Charles            : “Salaries in Germany are among the highest in the world. Most jobs for graduates start from EUR 30,000/year. In Germany, there is a policy which is called “Minijob EUR 400”. Employers who employ workers with salaries about EUR 400, not must to give workers insurance.”
Bonar              : “I’ve ever heard that in Europe especially Germany that unemployment people are given an allowance.”
Charles            : “Yeah,, it is true.”Government gives allowances for unemployment about EUR 345.”
Bonar              : “ Really?? Is it really happen?”.
Charles            : “Of course. Last years ago, my friend received the allowance.”
Bonar              : “Oh, how lucky you are who are living in Germany. Hahahahahaa”  (Laughing).
Charles            : “I think so. Hahahahaha” (Also laughing)
Bonar              : “How about job benefits ?”
Charles            : “Companies offer job benefits based on ability of companies and performance of employee. For example allowance, healthcare, insurance, bonuses, etc.”
Bonar            : “I think companies in Indonesia do the same thing like in Germany. Many employers pay 13th and 14th monthly payment a year. “
Charles            : “That’s right. I agree with you.”
Bonar              : “There is also religion allowances, we call it “Tunjangan Hari Raya”. Beside job benefits, companies also offer job promotion for employees who have good performance.”
Charles            : “That’s right. I agree with you. Job promotion is carrier development of employees.”
Bonar              : “One of important thing if talk about working is deletion working. When we decide to work in a company, we also must prepare if the company do deletion working.”
Charles            : “Of course. The proportion of workforce on indefinite contract has fallen across Europe in response to increas competion and globalization. Companies may dismiss an employee just before he reaches the two years mark and re-hire again.”
Bonar              : “In 1997-1998, many companies dismiss many employees because economy crisis.”
Charles            : “Yeah,, we’ve also faced the situation.”
Bonar               : “This is a very long and awesome discussion. We can share each other.”
Charles            : “So do I. I’m very happy talk to you.”
Bonar            : “I have to attend the conference again.Can I get your email or facebook if I want to share with you again?”
Charles            : “Of course. Here it is (give a note to Bonar). I’ll wait yours.”
Bonar              : “See you again next time. Bye.”
Charles            : “Bye.”

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